Saturday 18 February 2017

EG, No Bear Smell Yet.

今天难得空闲买了份资汇,看到这一期有篇叫“看图说股”,为EG 放的标题吸引了我的眼球,也成为了我去分析EG 的动力。

EG 横盘震荡了大约九个月,在去年的19/12 将整理区间往上移动,经过两轮的回测确立了支撑在0.855,而就今年情人节做突破收在0.975,也许是情人节花费大,所以EG 成为了宰割的对象。如今第二季度财报即将出炉,这次的大幅回挡是否反映了第二季度的成绩单?还是洗盘动作?我认为就看短线支撑0.92,但跌破并不可怕,只要维持在支撑以上,后市有期。所以,下周的走势就会是非常关键。

EG is sideways for about nine months, then just lift up the consolidation zone in the last year's 19/12, and confirm 0.855 as a support after two rounds of back tested. However, it breakout at this year's Valentine's Day to 0.975, perhaps the expenses from Valentine's Day is costly, so EG became the object for profit taking. Now, the retracement is reflect for the result of second quarter financial report? Or it just a flushing? Well, I think it depends on the short-term support 0.92. So, the trend for next week will  be very critical now, but, I still can't smell bear yet as long as maintain above the support. 

Friday 10 February 2017

Hug TA ANN Again

TA ANN 在突破4.00 后就一连三个交易日往上涨,然后在大约以 4.10 为支撑处做一个小幅横盘,最后在一月20号跌破了4.10 和上升趋势线。然而,却止跌于大约4.00,然后又横盘了6个交易日后,在二月2 号出现翻转而重新站上了支撑4.10。基本上,这就是我在这里提到的当
TA ANN 到达波段涨幅后,都会横盘震荡。如今我认为TA ANN 会做一个横盘对称,支撑在 4.10,而4.15 可视为强弱界线,如果走势可以维持在4.15,那么我认为冲破前高 4.27 是可以期待。

TA ANN is raising in 3 trading day continuously after breakout 4.00, then made a small sideways with support 4.10, but the support is broken as well as the uptrend line too at 20/1. However, the falling TA ANN is stop at around 4.00, then stood up to the support 4.10 again after 6 trading day. Basically, this is what I've mentioned here before that TA ANN will having a sideways shaking after the target is reached. Now, I think TA ANN will having a symmetric sideways with the mentioned support 4.10, and 4.15 can consider as strong-weak line. If TA ANN trend is maintained above 4.15, then I expected the breakout of previous high 4.27 will happen, or vice versa. 

Sunday 5 February 2017

My Simple View - 1700 Again

正当我还在享受着我的华人新年长假时,大盘却经历了上冲下洗,如今再度挑战站上1680。KLCI 将会有一个大幅度的横盘走势,而1680 就成了强弱界线。基于我维持看多原油和汇率(USD/MYR),我再大胆的预测在这三四个月内将会有机会可以冲破 1700。

KLCI Has been go through high volatile during my Chinese New Year holiday, now it stood above 1680 again. Now, KLCI is moving a sideways with 1680 as a indicator to determine whether it go weak or strong. Basically, due to I still remain my view to call long on crude oil and currency (USD / MYR), So I boldly predict KLCI have a chance to breakthrough 1700 within 3 to 4 month.

Thursday 2 February 2017

AAX Is Back On Track

有Tony 同在,AAX 重回到了轨道。
延续之前的分析 Is AAX On The Way To Hard Landing? 经历了18周的对称走势,AAX 在第19周K 转多,这也是在(日线)小波段跌幅到达后大约0.350,找到了止跌支撑,然后往上再多拉一个价位做支撑,最后突破下降轨道;我认为,自经历了先前这些的大气层干扰后,目前AAX 是进入了第二轮的多空调整,以0.40 为支撑逐步突破层层压力0.445 & 0.495。


With Tony, AAX is back on track.
Continue with previous post Is AAX On The Way To Hard Landing? After 18 month symmetric moving, AAX is turn to bullish at 19th week, whereby a support is found after reach downtrend target price about 0.350. I think after all these turbulence, AAX now is heading to second round adjustment, which is 0.40 as a major support for trying to breakthrough all the resistance at 0.445 & 0.495.

In short term, there might be a sideways while getting near to the first resistance 0.445; So long the support is steadily, then another uptrend again after all these challenge is accomplish. 

Wednesday 1 February 2017

MIECO, My View From Technical (Update)

如果MAGNI 是我之前看空个的M 头个股,那么另一个看多的M头个股就是MIECO 了,而两者的分别是当时MIECO相对还是在底部区。

自我第一次在这里分享“金矿” MIECO 了后,大约两个月后的MIECO 如期的涨到了波段目标。操作上,我都会选择套利出场观望(或者可以等到翻空的黑K 讯号),因为上面都是筑头的空间,而且量缩创新高也不是一件好事。

If MAGNI is the one start with letter M that I call short, then MIECO is the one that start with letter M that I call long, and the different for both is MIECO was still low relatively at that time.

Now, MIECO is reach to my target price after 2 month that I was shared here before. Basically, I will decide to arbitrage (or wait until reversal signal appear), because the head pattern is more likely to build at the space above 1.80, also, it is not a good sign when a price is recorded high but with volume reduce.

MAGNI Return!?

MAGNI 扭转!MAGNI 真的是完成了这扭转三部曲(1) 稳在支撑4.04,(2) 然后突破下降趋势线,(3) 最后突破4.66。这对照我之前看空来说,头部的多空扭转真的让我感到折服。

有主力操盘,说扭转就扭转,一口气一连两个交易日做突破将价位推高了约15% (后面追价的小户需要溢价15% 来进场),摆脱大头部的结构,将股价推往历史新高。从分析上来看,我觉得14/12/2016 的巨量,应该是被另一个主力吃下去,多空翻转,就在16 & 17 号放量上涨突破。如今高档量缩,主力手握涨跌大权,而等待的就是下一轮出现量价同步。

目前来看,只要守住多头支撑4.66,要在Q3 出台之前(三月中旬) 拉到5.00 以上不会是一个问题。相反,一旦失守,一个更大的头又出现了。

无论如何,我不会进场。以目前走势来看,既然在14/12/2016 跌不破,4.66 是主力做多的支撑,除非主力满足于15% 的利润,否则后面接盘的主力都会再做多一波,才去砸盘。


 Today is the first post without any chart... Just because of I realised the important of timing...